Sunday, August 12, 2018


I've been the WORST at updating my blog...but thought I'd quickly recap last December/Christmas with a little photo dump. Christmas was SO fun this year!!
Classic Santa pic - we've gone to the same Santa the past 4 years!

My little Trey Man at church.

The cutest preschool Christmas program I ever did see - even if Cruz knocked down the mic stand on some other kid and Julie stood by her teacher on the verge of tears the whole time.  I still call that a win! 
Writing out his letter to Santa. 
Why are matching jammies my absolute favorite thing?! I cuddled up and watched Christmas movies with the FOUR!

I freaking love them.
Julie got glasses!  And I love them.  I should have gotten the anti-glare lenses, but they'll probably be broken within the year, so I'll get new lenses then lol. 
He's my absolute favorite 3 year old. 
His smile is so contagious. 

When you're trying to take a cute picture of your daughter...but your dog has other plans...

My sweet girl.
Mr Kash

This Christmas has been unforgettable.  These four had a blast with their cousins. 

The things we do to make our kids smile. 
Christmas jammies!!

Funny faces.

Trying to get a family pic...ugh


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