Tuesday, September 30, 2014

A Day In The Life…Take Two

I posted what A Day In The Life… with 3 month old triplets was like here.  I want to remember what days are like now, so I'm going to post a similar post again.  I feel like life is a lot harder now than it was with 3 month old triplets.  Adding a new baby has changed things dramatically.  My mom went home last week to take a much needed break.  Curtis took the week off work and tried to just work from home so he could help me out while she was gone.  Now he'll be gone for the next 3 weeks!!!  Ahhh…  But my mom is back in town to help me out while he is gone.

After I put the baby down at 10:30pm I prepare a little bit for the next day.  I pick out outfits for the triplets and lay them out with three diapers, wipes, and powder.  I also set out bottles for the next day. 

4:00 am - Trey wakes up.  I change his diaper, then give him a bottle (usually around 5 oz).  I put on this bra thing that lets you pump hands free so I can feed him a bottle and pump at the same time.  Awesome time saver when you exclusively pump (I'll share my thoughts on nursing another time).  After he's finished I swaddle him and put him back to sleep, then go wash all the pump stuff and bottles. 

7:00 am - Triplets wake up.  My mom goes and makes 3 bottles (yes, they still drink bottles and I don't really care to take them away yet).  She'll bring the boys down first, lay them down, and give them their bottle.  Then she'll run back upstairs and get Julie and bring her down.  While they drink their bottle she can change their diapers one by one and get them dressed for the day. 

I get up, brush my teeth, then pump.  I throw on some gym clothes before Trey wakes up.  If Trey is already awake I'll feed him and pump at the same time. 

7:30 am - Trey usually gets up.  I'll bring him downstairs and hand him to my mom to feed unless I already fed him.  Then I get the triplets shoes on and maybe do their hair.  Make breakfast.  My mom made TONS of french toast and froze it all, so I usually just throw a couple slices in the microwave and call it good. I make myself an Isagenix shake then load each baby in the car one by one.  I put some french toast on their lap to eat on the way to the gym.  

8:00 am - I go to the gym for an hour and work out.  Usually Trey goes back down for a nap around 8:30am, so my mom just hangs out with him until then.  She can get ready while the baby is down and we are at the gym.

9:10 am - Head home from the gym.  The triplets will eat the rest of the french toast on the way home. When I get home I check all three for poop, then put them down for a nap one by one.  Julie naps downstairs in the guest bedroom, Kash naps in his room, and Cruz naps in Trey's room. 

9:20 am - At this time I usually try and get a few things done…laundry, ironing, clean up around the house.  I only have about 30 minutes before Trey wakes up again.  Sometimes I'll shower at this time and quickly get ready for the day.  There are times where Trey is already awake so "getting things done" is a little trickier. 

10:00 am - I try and pump before Trey wakes up so I can just feed him a bottle more comfortably.  Wash all the pump stuff and bottles. 

10:15 am - I hold Trey off until 10:30 am to eat, then change his diaper.  I quickly prepare for the triplets to wake up.  I make 3 bottles, lay out 3 diapers, and make a quick lunch.

11:00 am - 11:20 am - Triplets wake up.  I bring them downstairs one at a time, give them their bottle, and change their diaper.  Trey will hang out in a bouncy seat.  In between changing diapers I'll run and put his binkie back in.  He doesn't really love it. 

11:30 - 11:45 am - Trey goes down for a nap.  If the triplets are really fussy I'll load them all in the car and go somewhere…Target, Costco, wherever.  They are SO much happier out of the house.  Maybe we'll go for a walk if I don't need anything from the store.  While we are out I feed them lunch.  I try to make something that I can break into bites and just pop them into their mouths.  My mom will stay home.  She helps me keep my house in order.  She loves to iron and clean so I let her do whatever she wants.  Haha… Sometimes we'll take all 4 with us to the store.  Depends on the day.  It's a lot of work to get out of the house, but the fussing/whining drives me insane.  When we are out of the house they are SO happy, so it's worth it in my eyes. 

1:15 pm - Get home and check all three for poop before they go down for a nap.  Kash hasn't been sleeping well lately for the second nap.  I know he's SO tired, but he usually wakes up screaming 30 minutes into this nap.  So I have to hurry and pump again before this happens.  

1:20 pm - Trey wakes up.  I'll change his diaper then feed him around 1:30 pm.  Lately Kash has been waking up around this time (or probably never went to sleep, but starts screaming around this time).  I'll bring them both downstairs and hang out.  I tried hanging out in my room last time.  Big mistake.  While I was feeding Trey, Kash got into EVERYTHING.  My make-up was out, hair stuff, toilet water, and then he knocked over my jewelry chest thing.  My make-up mirror fell right on his head.  So we went downstairs where it is more baby-proof. 

2:30 pm - 2:45 pm - Trey goes down for a nap.  Today I got in Kash's crib with him until he fell back asleep.  No joke.  I was desperate.  I was SO tired and just wanted to lay down.  You should have seen me get out of his crib.  I was like Spiderman haha..  I wish I had it on video.  But I made it out without him waking up.  I think we are almost ready to go down to one nap a day for the triplets.  The second nap is becoming harder and harder. 

3:30 pm - 4:00 pm - I prepare for the others to wake up.  I'll make bottles and set 3 diapers out.  I can start preparing a little for dinner as well.  When my mom is here she makes dinner.  She loves to cook.   Once one wakes up I'll bring them downstairs and give them their bottle and change their diaper.  I can run upstairs and pump again before Trey gets up then wash all the pump stuff and bottles. 

4:15pm - Trey gets up.  I'll change his diaper and feed him a bottle.   I usually sprinkle snacks out on the carpet to keep the triplets happy and occupied.  When my mom is here she plays with them and keeps them entertained. 

5:00 pm - Today we decided to load everyone in the car and head over to the River Park.  It is an outdoor outlet store place with shops, a movie theater, restaurants, and his has a little play place for kids.  Every Tuesday there is also a Farmer's Market down the center street that I love.  We brought dinner down there and just fed the babies while they ran around the play place.  I had Trey in a BabyBjorn.  They all loved it.  It's just hard when they try to escape.  There's no door at the entrance so they can run out while you're keeping your eye on the other two. But it was nice to get out of the house with everyone.  We strapped them into the wagon and walked around the Farmer's Market for a while. 

6:30 pm - Bath time.  My mom or I bathe one at a time in the sink.  The other person puts the diaper and jammies on while they drink another bottle.  Trey is usually kind of fussy at this time of night and almost ready to eat again, so we bounce around trying to keep him happy while bathing or dressing the other kids.   

7:00 pm -7:15 pm - BEDTIME!!  All three will follow me upstairs and I dump them in their cribs, tickle them, kiss them goodnight and turn off the lights!  I go pump again while my mom feeds Trey a bottle.  I wash all the pump stuff and bottles.

8:00 pm - I give Trey a bath.  He LOVES the bath.  This is my favorite time of night.  I get to just cuddle and hold Trey with no other interruptions.  We'll watch a show or clean up around the house.  I'm exhausted at this point and would LOVE to just go to sleep, but I'd rather put Trey to bed a little later (10:30pm) and only have to wake up once at night. 

9:00 pm - While Trey takes a little catnap I get ready for bed - wash my face, brush my teeth, etc.  I try and clean up, do the dishes, start the dishwasher, throw a load of laundry in, etc.  Then I set out clothes and diapers for the next day. 

10:00 pm - I pump one last time and wash everything. 

10:30 pm -  I will feed Trey his nighttime bottle, swaddle him, and put him to bed in his crib.  He usually sleeps for about 5.5 hours and wakes up around 4:00am.  When Curtis is in town I have him feed Trey his last bottle so I can go to bed. 

The days are CRAZY busy right now.  I know things will get easier as time goes on.  The triplets are still so young and need a lot of time and attention.  They are still babies in my eyes.  They still need you to feed them.  If I put them in their highchairs and put pieces of food on their tray it ALL ends up on the floor.  They think it's so fun to just throw it on the floor and watch Tyson eat it.  So its easier for me to just feed them one by one.  When my mom is here she helps me SO much.  She does a lot of the cooking, feeding, mopping, and ironing (for some reason she loves to iron).  It's SO nice!!  I don't know what I would do without her.  I'm SOOOO thankful she can be here while Curtis is gone for 3 weeks.  Without her, I would never shower and my house would be a disaster.  She seriously does so much for us!

I sure love my FOUR babies!

Monday, September 29, 2014

Trey Two Months Old

Weight - 13 lb 7 oz 
Height - 24.5 in
Clothes - 0-3 months & 3 months
Diapers - Size 2
Trey is such a good baby.  I think Heavenly Father is blessing me - knowing there is NO way I could handle a colic baby right now. He smiles ALL day long.  He smiles when you talk to him, touch his chin, or even just sitting in his bouncy seat staring at the hanging monkeys. He's even laughed out loud a couple times.  Trey is so strong.  He's been lifting his head up off your shoulder or off the ground when on his tummy for a few weeks now.  I'm trying to follow BabyWise again since it worked so great with the triplets, so he eats every 2.5-3 hours during the day.  I usually put him to bed around 10:30pm and he'll wake up once at night around 4am, eat, then sleep until 7:30am.  Life is definitely harder with a new baby, but we're making it work. 

Friday, September 12, 2014

Trey's Belssing

On September 7th, 2014 we blessed our sweet little Trey Man.  It was such a special day all about Trey.  We had tons of family and friends that made the trip to Clovis to celebrate with us.  My sister-in-law Jamie and sister Stephanie flew in a few days before to hang out and meet Trey.  My brother Mitch and his family came up the night before.  We all went swimming and had dinner together.  It was a perfect weekend!  Curtis gave Trey the sweetest blessing in church on Sunday.
Oh, he's just the cutest!
 Love my family. 

My mom made ALL the food and desserts.  We are so grateful for her and all she did to make the day perfect. 

My sister Stephanie & brother John.

My friend Janessa had a c-section 7 days prior…and still made the effort to be there with us! 
Hollister family.
Clovis friends.

My best friend Trisha and her sister Jordan came too! 

Jamie & Cruz, Julie & Kash. 
Grandma & Grandpa Dabo.
Grandma & Grandpa Brown.

We just love our new addition.  He was definitely meant to be in our family! 

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

August Update

This past month has flown by.  I'm trying to soak in every moment of Trey as a newborn, but also be a mom to the triplets.  It's a little hard.  I already felt like I was spread thin before Trey was born, but now it's extremely thin!  We make it work though.  I know it'll get easier and easier as Trey and the triplets get older.  

The triplets are blossoming.  I love watching them learn new things.  They have this new obsession with throwing away their diapers (especially Julie).  They'll pick them up and bring them to you and say "thank you".  It's more like "cank coo".  It's the cutest thing!  Julie still doesn't really care for Trey.  She just keeps her distance.  The boys have a love/hate relationship with him.  One minute they are loving him and kissing on him, and the next minute they are hitting him.  You can NEVER leave them alone with him in reaching distance.  

Trey has started smiling on demand (August 14th).  He has also started cooing.  Sometimes it sounds like he is laughing out loud.  It's so cute. 
These smiles make my day! 
Sleeping in the bath. 

Mmm…those lips are to die for! 
First trip to costco with all four.
Playing with grandma's glasses.

Trey smiles with his whole face.  I love it! 
Farmer's market.
Julie took a trip to Atlanta with daddy for Aunt Stephanie's wedding. 
He loved his one on one time with her. 
Cutest flower girl I've ever seen.
Stephanie made the most beautiful bride!! 

Trey found his thumb.

Julie is OBSESSED with Despicable Me.  It's hilarious.

Trey is all smiles.  He is such a content baby!
If you can't tell…we love Costco.
Trey's first time to the pool.

We took the triplets to a youth football game.  They loved it!  Ok…so they could care less about the game, but they loved walking around.  :)
 Kash & Trey
 Cruz found his nose. 
 August 12th, 2014 Curtis and I celebrated our 8th wedding anniversary!  We went out to a matinee movie with Trey and ordered take-out for dinner.  It was great!  :)