Monday, March 10, 2014

It's A...


When we opened the envelope there was this hot pink post-it note inside.  I was thinking GIRL!!!  Then I read the note and it said "Congratulations on your new baby boy!!"  Haha… The ultrasound tech definitely tricked me.  Why the heck would you write on a hot pink post-it???  I have no idea…  But we are so excited!!  Three boys!!  I can't believe it.  We don't really have any favorite boy names yet…all we could think of were girl names prior to finding out the gender.  I'm sure we'll think of some soon  :) 


Bethany said...

Congratulations! What wonderful news. Julie looks unimpressed with the idea of another brother:)

Alice Anne said...

How amazing is this??? Congratulations on Boy #3!