Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Baby #4 - 18 Weeks

Pregnancy update:  I'm feeling good.  No nausea.  I have the appetite of a growing teenage boy.  I don't have any specific cravings.  Really, everything sounds good haha…  Especially corn salad, chocolate, and crackers.  I feel like I'm getting my energy back.  Still feel a little more tired than normal, but not too bad.  My skin seems to be clearing up slightly.  Still gross, but not as bad.  The only hard thing right now is my sciatic nerve.  Ugh.  It kills and fires all day, especially when I take the babies for walks,  load them into the car, or even lean down to change their diaper.  I've been working out more lately and now I can't.  I was hoping to stay really active all pregnancy, but this is killing me.  I went to the chiropractor twice, but he said I have him stumped.  He said one leg is longer than the other and I'm crooked.  He tried everything but it felt the same when I left.  It has gotten progressively worse over the past 3 weeks.  I don't know what to do.  Any suggestions??  He said to go get a deep massage and maybe try acupuncture.  He said I should go see an orthopedic surgeon and see what they say.  I'll try anything.  A friend of the family (scientist/dentist) asked how my diet was.  Ummmm…. Not the best.  He said sugar is a natural anti-inflammatory and to try and stay away from it.  That's a tough one for me….  Ahhhh….  But I'll try.  
I haven't felt any movement yet.  Or maybe I'm mistaking it for gas or something.  Haha...  This baby seems to be healthy and growing perfectly.  It was moving all over the place during the ultrasound.  Cutest thing ever.  We just love this little baby already.   

16 Weeks
17 Weeks
18 Weeks
I told the ultrasound tech that I wanted to know the babies gender, just not right now.  Curtis is out of town until March 7th, so I wanted to find out together.  She turned the screen when she went to the baby's bottom and printed out a pic of "the goods".  We'll see……..


Heather B said...

Hi Kim- I also had some bad sciatica pain early on in my first pregnancy and I stumbled across a book called Healing Back Pain by John Sarno. now it is only like $8 dollars on Amazon- and after I read that book and followed his suggestions (which by the way Involve your thoughts and emotions and how we process them) my pain disappeared completely and never returned. Check our how highly it is reviewed. Buy it. Read it. It certainly won't hurt but I sure hope it helps.

Kyle and Shallan said...

Hey Kim! I thought I would share what my friend told me about this same problem she had in pregnancy. She said her chiro also got stumped alot with how to help her and some days he would help, and other days he would make her flare up worse. But a few things that helped her: she wore a back brace as a support belt to keep her hips in line, since even bending over or sitting was uncomfortable. She also iced her back a ton, since heating it would make it flare up. One other thing she said was that her doctors allowed her to take ibuprofen in the 2nd trimester (it is not safe in the 1st and 3rd), but the chiro thought her main issue was swelling to cause the sciatic nerve pain, which makes it impossible to be adjusted... So she said that helped a ton too. I'm glad your other symptoms are doing better though! You look so great! I love reading your blog and following up on your story. You guys are the cutest!

The Dabo's said...

Oh man I've never had the back pain so I can't help you there but I'm so excited to find out what this baby is! That little profile looks like a girl... But I'm still guessing Boy! Almost half way!!!!!

Mindy said...

Hi, normally I don't comment, just follow, but I had the same problem with all 4 of my pregnancies. Finally got relief on the 3rd, I learned how to do it so my husband and older kids could help me when it started acting up.

First, lay on your stomach, have your husband put his elbow in your butt cheek, the one that is hurting, he will have to move it around until he finds the hole) have him press down as hard as you can handle pressure wise. Then lift up your leg on the side that is hurting and have him slowly rotate it around in circles, then have him reverse it.

The muscle is so tight in there that the pressure he puts on it is what is going to loosen up.

It sounds strange, but seriously it works so well!

Hope that helps!

And while i'm commenting, your kids are to die for cute, I showed my kids and they all fell in love at how sweet they are.

Unknown said...

Ice! Lots of ice! It will help with the swelling thats pushing on your nerve!!

Mark Wallace said...

It seems like you handled that pregnancy like a boss back then, Kim. Your big appetite you even seemed to be fun for you. Hahaha! Anyway, I do hope that future visits to your chiropractor will provide better results. Congratulations on having a healthy baby boy! Trey looks so adorable! All the best to you and your family! :)

Mark Wallace @ Chiropractic Memphis