Tuesday, August 19, 2008

I Got An A!

My Human Anatomy class is FINALLY over!  I have never worked so hard in one class in my entire life!  This class is broken up into a lecture and a lab portion.  You have quizzes, a midterm, and a final in each part.  These are my note cards for my lecture final...hahaha...  I think I get more out of making the note cards than actually studying them.  I accidentally left these note cards in my classroom the night before the final.  So Curtis and I went to UVU campus at 11:00pm and everything was locked.  We had to search for security to let us in and open up my classroom door just to get these freakin' note cards so I could study a little longer :)  Everything worked out though because I got an A in the class!!  I was so excited to see that my work had paid off.   

1 comment:

The Dabo's said...

Good job Kim! Anatomy is one of my favs. I want to see Cruise pics!!! Tyler has another Bball game this Saturday night at 7:00pm. I think your parents are coming so it would be cool if you and Curtis could come. Talk to you later.