Thursday, August 15, 2013

7 Years

7 years.  Dang.  That means we are getting old.  We got a babysitter (and my mom stayed home with the babies) and we went to dinner and a movie.  It was a perfect first anniversary with kids.  :) 

 I was craving Ihop, so we went there.  The harvest grain pancakes and the best.
 Treats for the movie. 
 We saw the Way Way Back.  It was kind of slow, but pretty good. 
 And of course...Burger King ice cream on the way home.  Mmmm...
 BEAUTIFUL flowers from hubby.

This guy cracks me up.  Daily.  I love him more now then ever before.  He's such a great daddy and an even better husband.  So grateful him in my life and all he does for our family. 


Debbie said...

Happy Anniversy!!

Notes From Nessa said...

Happy Seven Years! You guys are the cutest! Happy you were able to get out. Those flowers are gorgeous!