Monday, November 2, 2009

Halloween 2009

Curtis and I had a great Halloween!! First I went to Cody's school to help out with a little Fall Harvest Party! So cute!! The next day we went to Tyler & Jamie's for dinner and trick-or-treating... Curtis and I switched places...he dressed up as a volleyball player and I was a football player! HILARIOUS!!! Some guy in Tyler's neighorhood saw that I was wearing a "Curtis Brown" jersey and thought that was so cool....then he noticed "the Curtis Brown" was out with us...saw his volleyball outfit...and asked if he could take a picture. He promised not to post it on the internet somewhere (even though I'm posting it on here haha...)

Cody & Auntie Kimmy

Football & volleyball players!

The Incredibles!! So cute!!
Olivia as Violet

Drew as Dash

Alex as Jack Jack


Desiree said...

Hahaha...good idea to switch. So does Curtis just love vball spandex now? I mean they are wayyyy comfy. Maybe he should always wear them around the house. :)

Leo said...

Haha... That is so funny Kim. You guys look great!

Fosters said...

I'm really not surprised how well Curtis did with the volleyball outfit. He would rock it

The Dabo's said...

Hehehe, that's all I have to say.

Kassie said...

That's awesome!! :) ahahahaha I'm laughing so hard at the spandex.. you're tight Curtis! lol...

Looks like a fun Halloween.. Love the Incredibles costumes!