October has become one of my all time favorite months. First of all, the weather in Clovis could not be more PERFECT! Second, pumpkin patches and the fair. And of course...HALLOWEEN - jammies, parties, trick-or-treating, and costumes!! Seeing my kiddos light up is the best! It's such a fun time of year.
Annual skeleton jams are my fav!
Play date! They all fought over who was Jack's best friend that day.
You win Julie! LOL.
I'm dying!! :) When I picked up the kids from preschool they said Julie didn't want to take pictures that day, so I assumed they didn't get any of her. A week later they showed me these and I was cracking up!!
Weekend trip to Hollister...and of course we had to stop by Casa de Fruta!
Cutest little stinks.
I love how much they love her!
Such a fun Friends Fest hosted by Tisha and Amy. Dinner, drinks, and cookie decorating class (by Jackie). So fun!! High Fitness has brought so many amazing people together.
Trying to get a picture with the kiddos...not so much.
My mom and I took the kids on a hike at The Pinnacles. She said it was an easy little trail and we wouldn't get dirty. LOL Yea right! We left sweaty and covered in dirt. But it was so much fun and the kids LOVED it!
"Hey Mom, take a picture of us!"
Fresno Fair was a big hit! Not quite Disneyland though. It's definitely more expensive now that they want to ride all the rides. When they were babies they were happy just walking around and seeing all the lights. This year they loved the Ferris Wheel and the animals. The kept asking to ride the Log Ride but I thought they would hate it since you get wet. I finally said yes and let Cruz, Kash and Julie ride with Curtis at the very end. They all were screaming and crying at the end! They HATED it!
Julie was so confused why her shirt had holes in it.
Mohawk chick.
Our friends annual Halloween party was a success.
I'm dying!
It's getting easier to take the kids places solo...but I was still happy daddy could meet up with us towards the end of the night. SO much easier with two people. Especially when you're trying to leave and they all want to stay. All in all the pumpkin patch was a success.
That wave tho. Haha!
The best we could get.
I love the selfies I find on my phone.
I finally got the green light from the Orthopedic Dr. to start teaching HIGH fitness again. My foot is still a little achy, but feels SO much better.
Trey ran a little 400m race. Julie didn't want to run with him but she cheered his name the whole time. At the very end of the race she ran up to him and gave him the biggest hug. It was the cutest thing I've ever seen. She was so proud of him for finishing.

Tyson is seriously the best dog ever and puts up with so much.
When you make cinnamon bread for visiting teaching nd you come back 20 min later and find that vultures (aka triplets plus one) have eaten all the glaze off the top with their little fingers.
Those dimples tho.
Got into Mommy's makeup.
Couples that sweat together!
Felt so good to be back teaching! Especially with this guy in my class.
Date night with these awesome people. We decided to do a progressive dinner - appetizers at Limon, main dish at Sakanaya, and dessert at Haagen Daaz! So fun!
I took the kids to the park with some friends the other day. About 30 minutes in this lady interrupts me and says..."Um, I think your boys are peeing in the grass." Oh geez. Oops. We had a little talk about peeing in the bathroom that was literally 5 feet away. Boys!?
Teaching Trey to use the potty.
Halloween HIGH event was SO much fun! Especially with my SWAT girls!
Preschool Halloween Party!
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