This whole one nap thing is killing me. My trips used to nap twice a day - 2 hours in the morning and over 2 hours again in the afternoon. Now they only nap from 12:00-1:45pm or 2pm if I'm lucky. Then they wake up SO tired and fussy. They totally need more sleep but for some reason they wake up early. It's been horrible. I've been told their bodies will adjust and get used to one nap and hopefully start sleeping longer, but it's been over a month and they still seem miserable. Julie does great - it's mostly the boys. Hopefully it will get easier soon...
The weather has been great out here in CA - which has been awesome. We are able to get out of the house and go for walks when we get a little stir crazy. Our neighborhood has the cutest parks - which my kids love! I know they are going to love the pool once it gets a little warmer. Can't wait!
Julie loves to play in the dog food. I randomly find pieces in her mouth when I forget to put it up. Sick.
Julie loves our neighbor's bird Gabriel. The boys freaked out and wouldn't touch him.
Look at that face.
Matching beanies equals cutest thing ever.
He's so fat you can't even tell he's wearing a diaper. His rolls just devour it.
This is how we roll at the park. It's the only way I survive on my own. And they love it - so it's a win win.
My little super heros and a princess. Fruit snacks and Frozen equals happy kiddos.
He kills me.
Little ham.
Every once in a while I get to sneak out with one kid and have some quality time together. Julie and I went grocery shopping together. Savemart has the cutest little "Customer In Training" shopping carts for little ones. Julie was in 7th heaven!!!
This boy and his blanket.
I swear this happens on the daily. Disgusting.
She's the freaking cutest thing.
For the diaper explosions, have you tried another brand of diapers of moving up a size? The Walmart brand ones (Parents Choice) are AWESOME!!
My son had a crazy amount of blow outs - going up a size in diapers solved the problem once and for all!
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