Tuesday, October 8, 2013


Nothing is cuter than babies in jammies (especially when you have 3 babies in jammies).  The babies haven't worn PJ's until now since Clovis is just way too hot in the summer.
 I love Cruz's face here.  He cracks me up.  Julie is as stiff as a board - and of course, Kash is just chillin'. 
Ok...babies in hats is definitely a runner-up to the cuteness of babies in jammies.  I just love them.   
 Cruz was asleep before our walk even began. 

 Babies relaxing.  They all had their hands up like this at the same time.  So funny.

1 comment:

The Tews said...

They seriously are the cutest! Hats n jammies get me every time. At first glance in that last picture I thought Cruz (uh oh, Kash?) had top teeth!