Friday, May 31, 2013

The Drive Home

On May 13th we set out on the drive home to California.  The drive from Salt Lake to Clovis usually takes about 12 hours, but with three newborns it took us over 16!  My mom and dad followed us out there and stopped each time with us.  We stopped 4 times to feed them, once to change a poopy diaper, and one other time just for gas.  The babies did pretty good the first half, but the last half was another story.  I see why people make the trip over two days.  
Pit stop to feed the babies!  Curtis is in the back seat feeding the other baby.
I had all the bottles prepared in a cooler.  Each stop I'd go in the gas station and fill a tub of hot water to warm the three bottles.  We each took one baby to feed, burp, change, and then put right back in the car seat for another couple hours...and repeat.  The first stop I tried to change Cruz in the front seat on my lap.  He shot poop all down the front seat, then peed everywhere.  No joke.  I was lucky it didn't go down the front of my shirt (and lucky I have leather seats).  Total FAIL!  After that we folded down the back seat and changed them there on a blanket.    
My dad with his slippers on in the gas station.  I thought it was hilarious he was wearing slippers.
We stopped in Tehachapi for dinner.  We decided to dine in and feed the babies in the restaurant.  I wish I would have counted how many heads turned to stare at us.  It was pretty funny.  
My best friend and her sister decorated our house before we got home.  So cute! 
The babies are happy to be in sunny weather (even though they rarely go outside).  :)


Alice Anne said...

Yay for making it home safely! Good luck in your new place (the nursery looks amazing!). :)

Alice Anne said...

Yay for making it home safely! Good luck in your new place (the nursery looks amazing!). :)

Shane and Kenzie said...

I thought the trip from Kaysville to Newport Beach was bad with ONE baby! I am so impressed that you have been able to do all of this with such grace. I look up to you! The nursery is absolutely ADORABLE too