Monday, January 28, 2013

Team Babies - 22 Weeks 4 Days

Baby appointments totally make my day.  I love seeing the amazing trio and knowing that everything is still going well.  No twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome.  Bladders look good.  Heartbeats strong.  Cervix long.  All the babies are growing and looking great!  Jamie was laying on her back during the ultrasound and you could see the babies kicking out her tummy.  All these little flutters popping out.  :)  They were so active!  It was seriously the cutest thing I have ever seen.  
Jamie is getting bigger and more uncomfortable.  I wish I could take that away.  My mom is coming out to Utah this weekend to help her out and let her rest a little more during the day.  Hopefully she can put her feet up and keep these babies in as long as her body will tolerate it  :)  I have the most amazing family.  


Alice Anne said...

Go, babies, go!

Kristen G said...

I don't even know HOW I stumbled upon your blog because I am not really a blog "follower." BUT I do know I look forward to your updates and am in agreement that you must have a wonderful family. The Lord has really blessed you!
Praying from Missouri!

Kassie said...

Always looking forward to your updates. Always in our prayers.. keep cookin babies... cannot wait to see them..

Josh and Megan said...

Go Jamie!!!!! I'm always looking forward to updates!!!

oodlesofoversons said...

Such a fun shower! So excited for you guys!!