Alright, here we go again! I'm going to blog about my IVF experience this time since this is our last time doing all this. And using a gestational carrier is a pretty amazing/special experience so I thought I'd share it all. I've always tried to keep everything a secret so when we finally got pregnant I could actually surprise my family with the awesome news. Haven't you ever thought "How am I going to tell my family WE'RE PREGNANT!? You see all these awesome ideas on Pintrest of how they announced it to the world. Well...I've kind of lost that dream. Everyone knows Curtis and I struggle in the baby making department. It's definitely not as easy as I thought it was going to be. So why not blog about what it takes to make a baby Kim and Curtis style!? We need all the fasting, prayers, and happy thoughts sent our way over the next few months!!
I got my meds in the mail last week.
There's quite a few!
I had to go thru medication education today with an Registered Nurse - even though this is our 7th time around. Some of the meds are new, some have to be mixed, some have to be refrigerated, etc. We just went over the timeline and when to take which medications.
I started Lupron today to suppress ovulation - 10 units every night for like the next 25 days.
Draw it up.
It's a tiny needle.
Clean the site.
And inject. Burns a little going in, but not bad. I have to rotate sites every night so I don't get too sore in one area.
Dispose of then needle in a safe container. :) haha..
I have been taking oral medications for the past few months to help prepare my eggs as well. My everyday meds are: Birth Control (to time everything out), Prenatal Vitamin, Baby Aspirin, Metformin, and some other vitamins.
Jamie got her meds in the mail today!
She has also been on birth control for the past few weeks so we can time out together perfectly!
Read her side here.
Our thoughts and prayers are coming your way every day!
I'm rooting for you every step of the way! We love you!
HOLY DRUGS! I don't do well with swallowing half of those would come back up if it were me.
And shooting up....OUCH! I would have to look away and hope I hit the right spot.
I'm glad you have GREAT nursing skills!
I am praying lucky #7 does the trick.
Can't wait for a Brown color and with that last name!
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