One of my best friend's Marissa got sealed to her husband Brandon and son Isac on October 11, 2011. They were married last year on October 9, 2010 and sealed a year later. It was such an amazing experience. I wouldn't have missed it!
Curtis and I drove to Palmdale on Sunday night. We were planning on hanging out with his parents for a couple days. We stopped in Vegas on our way down and had dinner with Curtis' brother Kenny. He told us that his parents were in Florida for the weekend haha... so they weren't even going to be in town. It ended up working perfectly though because we got to hang out with my brother Mitch and his family on Monday. We headed down to San Diego on Tuesday morning. Marissa and Brandon took out their endowments then got sealed immediately after. It was perfect! The San Diego temple is SO beautiful!! We drove home right after. Curtis is such a champ when it comes to driving long distances! :)
San Diego temple
Curtis, Kim, Marissa, Isac, and Brandon
I love this girl! She's one of those friends that you can go a year without seeing, but once you're back together it's like no time has passed! :)

Meeting Isac for the first time :) Such a cute baby!

This is Alex's baby Jacey! So adorable!
Marissa and Isac
Kim, Marissa, and Alex. I miss these girls so much!!

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