We had a FANTASTIC weekend in New York City!! It was the perfect little trip :) I definitely realized I could never live there...but I love to visit. :)
Things I learned about New York City:
1. People in New York DO NOT follow traffic laws. They don't use blinkers...so just assume anyone at any time is going to cut you off and enter your lane. Also-pedestrians don't follow the rules either. They can see a huge orange hand saying do not walk, yet they still cross the street right in front of on coming traffic. It's all about themselves and where they are headed.
2. Do not wear flip-flops while walking the streets of NY. There are SO many people, walking everywhere, cutting you off, and stepping on the back of your sandals ALL day long.
3. I love the diversity in NY - We probably heard over 20 different languages over the weekend!
4. I think I heard more F words in one day in NY then the last 8 years I've lived in Utah.
5. There is SO much to do in NY! You definitely can't fit it into a 4 day weekend...which means we'll have to return soon haha ;)
DAY ONE - I flew in at around 4pm, headed to the hotel to unpack, then straight to dinner. Later that night we went to see Wicked!!! It was such a great musical!
There was some random downtown festival going on where they closed down the streets in Times Square. It was pretty cool. :)
Curtis reserved us tickets to the 911 memorial at the World Trade Center site. It was free to get in, you just had to reserve your tickets in advance. :) There's like a two month waiting period now. It was a really cool experience!

There are two huge pools/waterfalls with the names of everyone who passed engraved around the sides.

DAY FOUR - NY Yankees vs. Minnesota Twins in the afternoon and NY Giants vs. St. Louis Rams in the afternoon.
Mariano Rivera broke the MLB saves record with 603 saves!!! All the fans were on their feet when he ran out in the 9th inning. Curtis and I had no idea why at first haha... :)
This is where the old Yankee stadium used to be. They built the new stadium right across the street and tore down the old one.
One of Curtis' best friends Bryan Kehl plays for the St. Louis Rams, so it was absolutely perfect that the Rams played the Giants that weekend so we could go cheer him on :)
Jessica, Bryan, Kim, and Curtis after the game.
Oh my fun! Now start saving for the tropical trip!
Oh that looks like such a blast! I'm so jealous! And you look SO cute in these pictures! That hat is daring on you! You can totally pull it off. :)
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