Saturday, February 19, 2011

Huge Scare

Two nights ago, Curtis and I were laying in bed watching TV. Tyson was laying on the edge of our bed scratching his nose when out of nowhere, he jumped off the bed started chasing something (or so I thought). We just heard him banging into walls. He stumbled down the stairs and could barely stand on his feet. Curtis went down stairs to check on him...then bolted back upstairs and put on a jacket. He knew there was something wrong. I was freaking out and quickly put on some shoes and ran downstairs. Just by looking at Tyson I knew something was wrong. He could barely stand up. I let him outside and he just wobbled out the door. He threw up 3 times on the front lawn. I ran back inside to google a 24 hour animal hospital. There's an animal hospital right down the street from our house with a 24 hour on call Doctor. We called him up and he said he'd meet us there in 10 minutes. Over the next few minutes Tyson started acting like himself again. We took him to the hospital and he was pretty much back to normal. The doctor checked him out and said he was fine. He said to keep an eye on him for the next 24 hours and if any of the symptoms come back to call him up again. He was SO nice and let us go free of charge :) It was the weirdest thing ever! We still don't know what happened or what was wrong. It was scary! You probably think I'm crazy...but I was totally freaked out. It's pretty much safe to say that Curtis and I will be overprotective parents someday haha! :)


The Dabo's said...

That is WEIRD! Glad he was okay.

Kat said...

oh my heavens! I would die if anything like that happened to my doggies. I love them so much I would be freaking out too! I totally understand. Happy he's alright!!