Curtis was asked to run the alumni flag in at the BYU game last Saturday! What an honor! :) He got amazing tickets to the game, plus field access. We asked my sister, her husband, and her three oldest boys to come with us. The boys were in 7th heaven! It was a pretty cool experience! And BYU slaughtered thats always a plus.

Here's Curtis leading the team out of the locker room. :)

Curtis told Cosmo to go meet his three little nephews... They were SOOOO excited to meet him. I seriously think this was the best part of the day for them by far :) It was so cute!

Luke, Cody, and Steven watching the team warm-up before the game...

Me and my alumni! :)
On the sidelines...
I got a quick video of Curtis running in the flag :)
How fun.. makes me miss BYU...
it was awesome!!!! thanks!!!
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