Sunday, August 8, 2010

New Job

Everyone says that nursing is in high demand...well...definitely not in Utah County. There are actually quite a few job postings online, but almost all of them require a year experience, or they don't want to hire a new grad. I applied to over 50 jobs...and no interviews. Curtis has a friend that owns an Urgent Care in Lehi. He said I could come work there until I found something better. It wasn't the best pay, but at least it was "RN" experience that I could put on my resume. Well...I finally had an interview last Wednesday at Provo Rehab...and got hired on the spot! :) I had the interview at 10am...officially hired at 10:30am...and worked that night from 5:45pm to 6:30am! It is a great job, with amazing pay, and will definitely be a great experience! I know I will learn SO much there. I'm SO excited to finally put all this schooling to use (and earn a paycheck)! :)


The Dabo's said...

That's so awesome!!!

Katie Hodgkiss said...

That is exciting. Congrats. ARe you always overnight hours? That would be so hard. But I am excited for you.

Brown Family! said...

I'm going to be morning and night shifts. Kind of a fill in girl for the first two months...then moving to days only :)