Wednesday, June 16, 2010

It's Official

I took the NCLEX on Monday and found out today that I PASSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm finally a Registered Nurse! The NCLEX was a lot harder than I thought it would be. I took a predictor test a couple months ago and got a 98% chance of passing the NCLEX on my first try. I have been studying and studying for the past few months and felt pretty confident walking into the testing center. 90 minutes and 75 questions later...I felt like I didn't know anything. There were some terms I had never even heard of...and tons of questions where you had to find the "most right" answer. ugh. Those are the worst! But it all worked out in the end! I can't even begin to describe how much stress has been lifted off my shoulders! When Curtis and I saw that I had an "active" license with an actual license number...and the words "pass" on the computer screen...we both got a little teary eyed! :) Lame, I know, but it's been a long journey from an Associates of Science at Dixie State College, a Bachelors in Public Health at BYU, and an Associates in Nursing and a RN license at UVU!! onto the job search...oh...and 1 more year at UVU to get my Bachelors in Nursing as well haha.... :) If you know of any hospitals that are hiring...let me know!

Kimberly Dabo Brown, R.N.


Katie Hodgkiss said...

YEAH GIRL!!!!!! That is so awesome! I am so proud of you. I hope you guys had a big celebration. WE miss you guys. When we get back from selling. we definitely need to go do something way fun! Congrats again!

Misses Barlow said...

Congrats doll! You deserve it with all your hard work! Go girl!

Anonymous said...

Congrats!! So exciting!

Our Family said...

Good for you Kim!! You worked so hard for this, we are so proud of you!

Josh and Megan said...

CONGRATULATIONS you cute little!!! What an awesome accomplishment! way to go!

The Pearson's said...

GOOD FOR YOU! CONGRATULATIONS! That HAS got to feel good..and NO its not Lame that you got teary eyed! Im such an emotional baby when it comes to the slightest of happy moments like that! But I prob would have been shedding a lot more tears overall. And yes I know a hospital hiring..its in a town called Honolulu..have you ever heard of it :) You guys should move! LOL! It would be a good adventure! jk

Do you ever see Meagan, Chan's sister? She goes to UVU she is in Nail school you should go get a pedi from her!

Rebecca said...

I can't believe you ever even worried about passing you silly girl!! Good job! And congrats for getting the test done in 90 minutes and 75 questions! I ended up taking 186 questions and it took me 4 hours (mostly because I got bored)! I hope you find a job quickly!! Congrats again!