I ran my first half marathon with my sister Stephanie! My mom talked us into signing up...and then she pulled her hamstring...so she didn't even run it with us. :( I had NO desire to run a half or full marathon, but now that it's over I'm glad I did it. The training part was definitely the worst part, but crossing that finish line made it all worth it. The cutest part of the race was this old man outside of a 7-11. He bought cups, ice, and gatorade and lined them up on the sidewalk for all the runners passing by. I could not believe how many people were outside of their houses cheering on all the runners. It really kept me going! Also, I loved seeing my supportive husband at the start line, at mile 7.5, and at the finish line!!
So...the day before the race I felt TERRIBLE! I woke up in a cold sweat, body ache, chills, swollen lymph nodes, and a SUPER sore throat. Are you kidding me?! I still wanted to run the race since I already paid for it, trained, etc. If I could have gotten a refund I probably would have. Curtis got me in to see a doctor and he thought I had strep, so he gave me an antibiotic and told me to take some Ibuprofen before the race. Here's my pre-race regimen: Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Azithromycin (antibiotic), Ibuprofen, sleep aid, & my mom told me to carb-load the night before...so I went with Cheez-Its & Skittles! Haha...
I ran the first half with my sister, then broke off and ran the last half by myself. I ended up finishing in 2 hrs & 14 min! Now I want to run another one this summer so I can beat my time! My goal is under 2 hours! We'll see :)
There's a video on ksl about the marathon and I'm randomly on it for a split second. :) If you go to http://www.ksl.com/?nid=148&sid=10428299 you can see me cross the finish line! It's at about 1 min 38 sec and I'm in a turquoise shirt! :) haha...

Kim & Stephanie before the race!

Over 12,000 runners! Curtis took this picture from the bridge above. :)

About mile 7...

Half way there!

Right after the race!

Stephanie crossing the finish line! I hope I can run as fast as she did after 5 kids! :)

Dan, Curtis, and the boys at the finish line! So cute!

I can't believe we did it! 13.1 miles!! :) Now on to a full marathon! haha... yea right!
Wow, you are amazing!!! I hate running too, but someday I want to run a half marathon. You rock!!!
let's run it together! we'll for sure make it under 2 hours!!!
CONGRATS KIM!!!! That is such a fun thing to do...i hope you are feeling okay though!
AWESOME! Hope all is well.. hey I set my blog private, I don't know if you want to go on it or not, lol, but if you do can you send me your address at rkfeinga@yahoo.com? lol.. xoxo
Oh, Ray says "wassup CB" :)
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