Chaminade University played Dixie State Saturday night, so Curtis and I took a quick trip to St. George to watch Chandler play...and of course see Lieren too! :) We left Saturday afternoon and drove back Sunday morning before church! Even though they lost, it was a good game. Chandler played great with 7 rebounds and 8 points. We had dinner over at Mary's after the game...then stayed up way too late talking and playing Rockband haha! It was a lot of fun to see my cousins and Chandler's family. Thanks Sierra for letting us stay at your house! :)

Kim & Curtis

Desi & Zeke

Eva is freakin' adorable!! Sharing her suckers...

Great food!

1 comment:
Your are so sweet! Thank you guys again for coming-really! it is so much more fun with the family and support! The more the better! Sorry it was so quick we hardly had time to talk! and DANG your pictures turned out way better than mine, what is my deal with my camera..when i take pics down towards the court they are all crap! lol
Miss ya already!
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