Monday, May 5, 2008

Day One: Yankees Game! I don't know how many of you know this, but Curtis got a new job in pharmaceutical sales with a company called Novartis.  We were very excited!!  He had to go to a new employee training in New York for three weeks (he's still out there right now), so I thought it would be a perfect opportunity to make a weekend trip out there and have some fun together.  :)  I flew out late Thursday night and on Friday night we got some sweet tickets to the Yankees game.  Another Novartis employee had two tickets to the game that he didn't want it was absolutely perfect.  Everything online was way up in the nose bleeds, and these tickets were on the third base side down by the foul pole.  
We honestly spent more time below ground on the train then we did in the city!!  j/k 

Curtis can seriously sleep anywhere...even on a noisy, bumpy train on the way to the game! 

Absolutely FREEZING!!!!  

We had such a great time...even though it was really cold.  This is the last year the Yankees will play in that stadium, so I was excited we got to see them play there.  The Yankees played the Mariners and won 5-1.  GO YANKEES!!!  

1 comment:

Mitch said...

tell me you saved those tickets! They're cool looking. I'm so glad you got to go to the "House that Ruth built" before they knocked it down.