Clothes - 18 month, 18-24 month
Diapers - Size 4, Size 5 during the night
Trey Man is still as happy as ever. He seriously smiles and laughs all day long. It's unreal. He's becoming a little mamas boy and I absolutely love it. He loves the water - pool or bath time. He splashes around and sticks his face in. He's still obsessed with his blanket. He sticks a huge chunk in his mouth and sucks on it. It's his little pacifier. I'm so glad he is attached to something because whenever he gets a little fussy or tired I give him his blanket and he doesn't make a peep.
Trey loves to be outside and go for walks or bike rides. He went on his first 4 wheeler ride last week and loved it! Trey started pulling himself up on furniture (May 28) and now he's a pro. He's no where near walking, which I'm totally ok with. Trey's not really the best eater. He has the worst gag reflex. He does good with baby food, but anything with texture he gags. We are working on it. He started holding his own bottle (May 27) and it's the best thing ever! Trey now has 8 teeth and the cutest cheeser! His smile is seriously infectious.
Trey still sleeps 8:30pm-8:30am with two naps a day (10:30am-12:30pm and 2:30pm-4:45ish). He ALWAYS wakes up happy. I would never even know that he's awake unless I look at the video monitor and see him moving around. This little/big baby just brightens our day! We sure love him.