Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day

My parents came to town for Valentine's weekend.  What a treat!!!  They went to the temple and to lunch Valentine's Day and let Curtis and me go out Saturday to a matinee movie and lunch.  Such a perfect day!  
Cruz fell asleep in the jumper.  TOTAL FIRST!  My babies do not fall asleep anywhere but in their cribs, unless they are super tired and I'm rocking them.  I was SHOCKED when I found him sleeping.  Too cute! 
We took a trip down to the park for some pictures. 
All three!  
Julie wasn't too sure about the grass on her legs, but she never cried.  Oh I just love these little stinks!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Trip From Hell

A few weeks ago we decided to take a trip down to Southern California.  Curtis had to work down there for a day so we decided to join him.  Worst. Idea. Ever.  The babies were just starting to get sick.  They were a lot more fussy than normal and didn't sleep that great.  Ugh.  Just start to finish was terrible.  
On the way down we stopped in Visalia at Hobby Lobby.  I had to get a few things.  We fed the babies  in the parking lot, then drove the rest of the way down.  Usually they sleep in the car at night, but not this time.  They would sleep off and on, then fuss, then sleep a little.  When we got to the hotel we had to park the car, unload everything, set up their pack-n-plays, and get ready for bed, which totally woke them up again.  They slept terrible that night!
The next morning we met my cousin Lieren and her husband Chandler at Ihop.  They flew into LA from Hawaii that morning to surprise his dad for his 60th birthday.  Hanging out with them made our trip 10 times better.  I'm so glad we got to see them, even if it was just for an hour.  We miss them so much! 

Our Ihop server couldn't get enough of the babies.  
I kind of forgot that our babies nap twice a day. Their second nap went long since they didn't sleep well the night before.  Curtis got back from work and they were still sleeping.  By the time they woke up and we fed them, the day was pretty much over.  Totally lame.  We had planned to go to the beach or something, but it was cold and almost dark.  We had planned to stay another night, but the babies were coughing, fussing, and just plain tired.  We got them ready for the pool and didn't even go.  Haha.  I was so over it.  We packed up everything and headed home.  Super fun right? 

The next day I took Kash to the Dr.  I could hear him wheezing and struggling to breath a bit, especially at night.  I knew that wasn't normal, so I took him in.  The Dr. said he was breathing fast and sounded really tight.  They gave him two breathing treatments - then sent us home on antibiotics, a steroid, and an inhaler.  Poor guy.  He handled it like a champ though.  I finally feel like they are all getting over the hump.  FINALLY!!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

10 Months

10 freaking months!  I can't believe they are almost a year old.  This last month was a little hard.  Cruz got sick - fever, runny nose, bad cough…then a few days later Kash got it, and then Julie.  Kash got it the worst.  We had to take him to the doctor and get a couple breathing treatments, antibiotics, a steroid, and an inhaler for a couple weeks.  So sad!  It seemed like we had at least one or two sick babies ALL month!  They were way more fussy and needy than normal, especially the boys.  They just wanted to be held all day - which is extremely hard when there's only one of me.  They've turned into little mama's boys.    

Here's a typical day for us now:  (If I don't write it down, then I know I'll forget what it was like to have 10 month old triplets.)

7:00 am - Babies wake up.  I usually make 3 bottles before I bring them downstairs.  Sometimes one will sleep in a little longer than the others, so I let them.  Curtis and I will feed the first two babies, then I'll go get the other on and feed them.  I change 3 diapers, then let them play and crawl around for a while.  

8:00 am - I put one baby in their high chair and feed them baby food - squash, apple sauce, bananas - whatever I have on hand.  It's easier for me to do it one at a time.  Less messy.  After they eat baby food I give them some Cheerios to munch on and get the next baby and repeat.  

9:00 am - I make sure none of the babies have poopy diapers, then put them down for a nap. We recently split them up for naps.  Julie gets a crib in the nursery, Kash gets a pack-n-play in the bathroom, and Cruz gets a pack-n-play in the guest bedroom.  It works great!  They no longer wake each other up early and usually sleep until 11am.  For some reason they sleep great at night together, but nap separately. 

I try and do a workout video once I put the babies down.  Then I jump in the shower (sometimes) and get ready for the day.  I feel like the babies bathe more often than I do haha.. 

10:30 am - I make 3 bottles in preparation for the babies to wake up.  I hate doing it when they are already awake and hungry.  

11:00 am - Pretty much the same as 7:00am except I'm usually alone.  Whoever wakes up first I feed first.  It's usually Cruz.  Then I grab the next baby, and then the third.  I change all 3 diapers and get the babies dressed for the day.  Not gonna lie, sometimes they stay in their pajamas all day, but they usually get real clothes.  :) 

12:00 pm - I load all three into the car and go somewhere - Target, Costco, Walmart, wherever my heart desires.  Sometimes we just take a walk around our neighborhood.  They still LOVE their stroller…so I can either stay home and hear fussing, or load them up and go somewhere and never hear a peep!  Today we went to Von's.  I make sure to stay out until around 1pm so right when I get home I can just put them down for their second nap. 

1:00 pm - Nap time!  Now that I'm prego I'm definitely more tired than normal.  Sometimes I try and lay down during their nap, but most of the time I have too much to do.  If I have a long "to-do" list it's hard for me to lay down knowing I have a lot to do before they wake up.  I try and clean up the house a bit, fold clothes, iron…whatever needs to be done.  

2:45 pm - I make 3 bottles. 

3:00-3:30 pm - Same as 7am and 11am.  I feed whoever wakes up first…blah blah…change three diapers…etc.  Then I just let them play and crawl around for a while.  

4:45 pm - Baby food.  I'm trying to do more solids, but my babies have the worst gag reflex ever - especially the boys.  I tried cutting up tomatoes into small pieces, but they ended up gagging on the skin and throwing up everywhere.  Next time I'll take off the skin.

5:00 pm - When Curtis gets home from work we load all three babies in the car and go somewhere again.  

6:15 pm - Bath time!  Sometimes I put all three in the bath at once, but usually I just do one at a time and Curtis does the diaper/dressing.

6:45 pm - Make three bottles. 

7:00pm - We usually put Kash in his carseat and prop the bottle for him.  He does it the best. Then Curtis and I can feed Cruz and Julie.  After the bottle they go straight to bed - all in the same room.  We just drop them in their crib and say goodnight.  

After we put them to bed we pick up the house, dishes, throw a load of laundry in, etc.  Then we have Kim & Curtis time, which is so nice.  I'm glad we started putting the babies to bed earlier so we have at least an hour or two with just the two of us.  I'm seriously exhausted by the end of the day, so we usually just watch a show in bed, read our scriptures, then go to sleep.  And the day starts all over again.  :)  

Clothes - 12 months
Diapers - Size 4
Cruz.  This little stink has become such a mama's boy.  Maybe it's just because he has been sick this past month, but he loves to cuddle with me, especially in the morning after his bottle.  He'll crawl around and play for a bit, then crawl back to my feet and fuss and want to be held.    I'll take him in the bathroom with me while I brush my teeth and wash my face.  He's usually happy just crawling around on the floor and being by me.  In the afternoon and at night he's a lot more happy and content alone.  Cruz now has EIGHT teeth, four on top and four on the bottom.  His hair is getting a lot more wavy.  He'e such a fast little crawler and is getting really good at pulling himself up on everything.  He'll let go and stand for a second, then fall on his bum.  He's such a little bully and loves to crawl over his brother and sister.  He laughs and squeals all day.  It's the cutest thing.    

Clothes - 12 months
Diapers - Size 4
Kash has also become a little more needy this last month.  I'm blaming it on being sick, so hopefully it's just a phase.  The morning seems to be the worst for him too.  Once he eats he's definitely happier and will play around for a bit.  A half hour before his nap you can tell he's getting tired and just wants to be held.  Kash and Cruz are such fast crawlers.  They love to explore EVERYWHERE.  Especially where they aren't supposed to - like the office, wires, dog food, etc.  I try and keep them gated in the family room carpet area, but sometimes I let them roam all over.  Kash is also getting good at pulling himself up on things.  You can tell he's getting a lot more confident and will just let go and fall on his bum.  Kash also has EIGHT teeth, four on top and four on the bottom.  He has the cutest little smile.  He smiles every time you smile at him.  He laughs all day, especially at his dad dancing around.  He's such a happy kid.  

Clothes - 12 months and 12-18 months leggings
Diapers - Size 4
Miss Julie has started to feed off her brothers.  She'll hear them fuss and get what they want, so she'll start fussing.  She doesn't even really want to be held or anything, but she'll just fuss when she hears them.  It's kind of funny.  She likes to be held/rocked on the couch while looking out and watching tv or something.  She's mastered the army crawl.  She gets up on her knees occasionally and takes a couple normal crawls.  I think she'll learn soon.  She doesn't pull herself up yet.  She can stand next to furniture if you put her there, but doesn't stand for very long.  She likes to just sit up and play with toys.  She's loves Cheerios and to feed herself.   She laughs and screams all day.  She'll look at me from across the room and give me the biggest smile ever.  She's super ticklish and laugh and giggle when we tickle her.  Julie has TWO teeth, both on the bottom.  She's just the sweetest little thing.    


Monday, February 3, 2014


We have the cutest little park right down the street from our house.  We adore it…and I'm sure we'll love it even more over the next few months when these babies start walking and exploring more.  We tried out the swings for the first time, and they loved it.  They're little sweet smiles and giggles were the cutest things! 
 There's only 2 baby swings, so we had to improvise.  


 They babies love their new wagon.  Now that it's getting warmer we can bust it out more often. 

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Yep, Definitely Pregnant

Wow.  It still seems a little unreal for me.  I don't understand why things happen the way they do, but I'm just going with it.  I've been able to see the baby 4 times now, but it still is crazy.  Going from infertile to pregnant takes time to sink in.  If you've ever struggled with infertility, then finally got pregnant, you know what I mean.  Regardless of if it's been 2 years or 7 years…

I finally chose an OBGYN and, so far, I love him.  He's this old man that calls me honey and sweetie when he sees me.  Not in an awkward way, more of an endearing way.  Curtis hasn't met him or been to an appointment with me yet since he has to stay home with the babies while I run out.   Every time I have an appointment I get to see the baby because he uses this little handheld ultrasound machine to show me the baby's heartbeat.  My last appointment was at 13 weeks and that little stink was moving all over the place.

I'm not sure if I'm going to find out the gender of the baby.  We have EVERYTHING for both genders so I think I might wait.  We just need to buy an extra crib (yep, that'll be FOUR cribs all under one roof) and crib bedding depending on if it's a boy or a girl.  The ONLY reason why I want to find out the gender in advance is so I can start selling and de-cluttering my house.  If it's a girl, I'm going straight to Craigslist and selling all my boy stuff, or vice versa.  Believe me, with triplets you accumulate A LOT of stuff.

Being pregnant is a very unique experience.  Everyone's situation is different.  Every symptom ranges SO much between person to person.  I was nauseous from about 5 weeks to 12 weeks.  I never threw up.  I just felt carsick all the time and nothing really sounded good.  I felt better if I ate something, so I just snacked on crackers and carbs all day.  One time I sat down and ate a whole box of Cheez-Its.  So weird.  I think the last time I ate a Cheez-It was 20 years ago.  (I even had to google the right way to spell Cheez-It).  All I crave is carbs - All. Day. Long.  Curly fries, churros, crackers, fries, etc.  I'm going to gain like 50lbs I swear.  I feel like I eat all day.  Sometimes I think it's just out of boredom, like when the babies are napping.  Other times I blame it on pregnancy.   I also love breakfast food.  Omelets, pancakes, french toast, steel cut oats…mmmm….

I got extremely tired, which is super hard when you have 9 month old triplets.  Thank goodness it occurred mostly over the holidays when we were around family and had a little extra help.  I'm finally getting my energy back, but I still feel more tired than normal.  Maybe it's just because my babies are sick - AGAIN - and are more needy/fussy than normal.  That always takes a lot out of me anyway - regardless of being pregnant.  I feel like I've been extremely blessed to not be one of those SUPER sick pregnant girls (like my mom).  I have NO idea what I would've done if I was hovering over a toilet all day with three little babies crawling underneath me.  The only one absolutely SUCKY thing about being pregnant for me is ACNE.  It's disgusting.  I have a hard time with one pimple, so when they cover every pore of my face I start to freak out a little.  I don't know what this "glow" thing people talk about is.  Definitely didn't happen for me.  People ask me if I have a baby bump yet.  I reply, "Yep, little baby bumps all over my face."  Sick.  
Look at this?!  How freaking crazy right?  My body HATES Hcg.

I'm sure everyone could care less to see so many selfies, but I want these pictures on my blog when I print it out  :) 
9 Weeks
11 Weeks
 12 Weeks
 13 Weeks
14 Weeks
6 Week Ultrasound
 8 Weeks Ultrasound 
10 Week Ultrasound