Sunday, November 30, 2014

November Update

November has been a crazy month.  I'm learning how to manage all four by myself.  My mom flew to West Virginia for two weeks at the beginning of the month, and Curtis went to LA for a week, so I was all by my lonesome.  It was CRRRRRAZY but somehow I managed.  I never thought I could do it alone, but then you just do, and it works out.  My mom has officially gone home, but she'll still come back and help me when Curtis goes out of town for weeks at a time (if she can).  

Trey's schedule is becoming more predictable, which is so nice.  I'm a HUGE believer in BabyWise!  It's crazy how it all works out exactly like the book says it will - as long as you stick to your schedule.  He's becoming more consistent at sleeping 9pm-9am, then eats every three hours during the day.  A-mazing!  He gets fussy from about 7pm-8pm.  I remember that time of night being hard with the triplets too.  We used to go for walks every single night to keep them happy.

Cruz, Kash & Julie are starting to mimic us a lot more.  It's the cutest.  I'm loving this age - especially when they're happy  :)  Cruz and Kash have started babbling and talking more.  They can say thank you, more, ball, baby, mama, dada, eyes, what's that, and buh bye.  Julie doesn't really say anything besides thank you, buh bye, mama, dada.   They love shoes.  They'll go grab them and bring them to me to put on.  Their favorite toys right now are their wood work bench, push car, big legos, and any ball they can throw.  Julie still loves Despicable Me and they all like Baby Einstein.  It keeps their attention for a while and helps in the car on long drives.  

Cruz, Kash & Julie still fight over toys or sometimes just because.  I take them to the gym day care almost everyday and one of the workers says, "Ummm... your boys have really starting fighting with each other.  They always want the toy the other one has."  Story of my life.  It doesn't matter how many toys you have, they always want the same one.  Julie usually keeps to herself, but today she bit Kash for the first time.  It was bad.  He was trying to take away the measuring tape she was playing with.  She bit him right on the side of his face and left a huge mark.  It was the saddest thing.    
 ::19 Months::
Her smile kills me. 

Trey LOVES the bath.  I can stick him in the sink while I clean up the kitchen, do dishes, unload the dishwasher, etc.  It's so nice.  Bath time with one baby is A LOT different than with three babies. 
Uncle Kenny's friend sent us 90 diapers from the Honest Company.  How nice is that?  They have the cutest little patterns on their diapers. 
Julie always climbs on Trey.  She loves getting in his carseat with him, bouncy seat, or even his swing.  He doesn't love it.  I don't know why.
 Learning how to give kisses. 
 Or maybe just lick each other. 
 I'm learning how to manage all four by myself. 
 Kash has to get as close as possible to Trey.  I thought he was going to hit him, but he just sat there and talked to him.  It was pretty cute. 

 I'm a tad bit proud of my laundry basket full of frozen breast milk.  For those of you who have ever pumped, you know how time consuming and fun it is.  We had to buy an extra fridge/freezer, which doesn't have much space left.  I'm hoping to breastfeed for at least 6 months, and then he'll get frozen milk until it runs out.  We'll see though. 

 The boys love to climb.  

 Trey loves sucking on his hands, especially his little chubby fingers.  I love it. 
Look at that pot belly.  He's just so yummy. 
::4 Months::

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Thanksgiving 2014

We traveled to Palmdale this year for Thanksgiving.  Traveling with 4 kids 19 months and under is hard.  My kids don't really do well in the car past an hour.  Palmdale is three hours away, so the last two hours are filled with fussing, which leads to me getting in the back seat to hand them toys or snacks, which leads to them throwing everything on to the floor and me getting car sick.  It's super fun.  I always tell Curtis I'll drive and he can get in the back seat, but somehow he always beats me to the drivers seat and I get stuck in the back.  Trey was a rock star and was happy and/or sleeping the whole drive (thank goodness)!  Regardless of how many days you spend away from home, you still need SO much stuff.  FOUR pack-n-plays, sound machines, blankets, wagon, bottles, clothes, diapers for four kids, wipes, toys, snacks, etc.  Our car was packed!  All in all it was completely worth it.  Spending time with family is always great.  

We had Thanksgiving dinner down in Rancho Cucamonga at Curtis' Aunt JoAnn's house.  The food was delicious.  Seriously one of the best turkey's I've had in a long time.  Curtis' Aunt thought of everything.  She bought my kids little juice water bottles knowing they probably couldn't drink from a cup very well yet.  I don't know why, but that meant so much to me.  It's the little things.  She is the sweetest!  She even got them tons of hair products (since I'm still pretty clueless of how to manage their hair).  I'll learn though.  :)  Curtis' family is so thoughtful!  

Stephanie (Curtis' sister) and her husband Rodney flew in from Atlanta.  They flew in that morning and flew out that night.  Crazy right?!  It was so good to see them, even if it was for just a couple hours.  :) 
 I seriously have so much to be thankful for! 

Cruz & Grandpa Brown

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Trey Four Months Old

Weight - 18 lb 1 oz (96th percentile)
Height - 26 in (86th percentile)
Clothes - 6-12 month, 6 month onesies, 9 & 12 month jammies
Diapers - Size 3 

Trey is still such a happy baby!  He gets a little fussy an hour before bed and wants to be held.  It's perfect timing since the triplets are already in bed and all my attention can be on Trey.  I usually give him a bath and he's as happy as can be.  I put him to bed at 9pm and lately he's been sleeping until 9am!!  He slept 12 hours for the first time on November 12th.  Occasionally he'll wake up at 6am, I'll feed him, and put him right back to bed until 9am.  Hopefully the 12 hour thing gets more consistent and we can knock out that 6am feeding.  I still wake up at 6am to pump since my boobs feel like they are going to explode, so I guess it really doesn't matter.  

Trey has started to like his exersaucer - for about 20 minutes at a time.  He seems so aware and will reach out and grab the little toys around the outside.  He found his hands and loves to suck on them.  He still doesn't really love his binkie.  He's been drooling a ton lately.  My other kids never really drooled at all.  Trey loves his bouncy seat and swing.  I can feed him, burp him, then put him in his bouncy seat in my bathroom while I take a shower.  He just stares up at the little monkeys hanging from the top and smiles.  Trey also likes his carseat - which the triplets despised!  I just drove to Hollister for a night and didn't hear one peep out of him the whole two hours there and back.  Trey still loves to be swaddled.  Once he gets a little tired, I can swaddle him and put him down in his crib awake and he'll put himself to sleep.  He doesn't really love tummy time, so we're working on that.  The triplets loved being on their tummy.  It's crazy how different he is from them. 

Trey is getting SO big.  It's crazy!  He just started wearing 12 month jammies!  Cruz and Kash wore the same jammies at 8-9 months old.  What the heck?!  I just want him to stay little!  

He is just too much. 

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

My Thoughts On Nursing...

I always wanted the nursing experience.  When the triplets were born I was super disappointed that I couldn't nurse them, or even pump to give them my milk.  Little did I know how extremely difficult nursing is.  At least for me.  Wow.

My milk didn't come in right away, so Trey was starving in the hospital.  I remember on day two he was crying and crying.  I nursed him and he was happy, then 15 minutes later he was crying again.  I wanted to shower so bad, but he would only be happy if he was nursing.  He lost almost a pound and wasn't peeing or pooping enough.  My pediatrician told me to supplement a little with a bottle of pumped milk or formula.  Finally my milk came in and we were good to go, or so I thought.  Every time I tried to nurse him my nips would KILL.  I mean KILL.  Not like "ouch that hurts", more like tears streaming down my face that hurts.  Maybe I have super sensitive nips.  He would latch on and off and every time he got back on it seriously felt like Trey had needles in his mouth stabbing me.  I tried using a nipple shield, which helped some, but I felt like Trey wasn't emptying me.  He would nurse for 45 minutes and still be hungry afterwards.  I would go pump right after I nursed him and get 4 ounces, then feed him a bottle.  So now nursing turned into this HUGE process of nursing him, pumping, feeding him a bottle.  Took FOREVER!  And obviously I have triplets at home, so that process was never going to work for me.  If Trey was my only baby I could have spent more time figuring it all out, but when you have 15 month old triplets (at the time) there's just no way.

If I tried nursing Trey downstairs around the triplets they were ALL over me and it didn't work, so I had to be upstairs in my room to nurse - which was only possible if my mom was downstairs with the triplets.  I also tried pumping downstairs around the triplets which was a horrible idea.  They kept trying to pull the pump pieces off the machine and pulling the outlet out of the wall - which turns off the pump and you have to start all over.  Super fun. After a couple weeks pumping KILLED too.  My nipples were so sore from nursing and pumping.  I would get strawberry milk (bloody milk) all the time.  
I met with a lactation consultant.  When she looked at my boobs she was so surprised I was still sticking with it.  My nipples were red and raw and she could tell it hurt like hell every time I had to feed him.   She asked me if my nipples turned white after pumping…which they did.  I thought that was normal, but I guess it's not.  My fingers always turn white when it gets cold outside too.  I guess I have this thing called Raynauds Phenomenon.  Weird right?  She told me to start taking Vitamin B-6, which has actually really helped.  The lactation consultant got Trey to latch on pretty good, but he still wouldn't completely empty me, so I still had to give him a bottle afterwards.  When you don't completely empty, it leads to clogged ducts or mastitis.  I swear every other day I'd get a clogged duct.  My boob would get super hard and nothing would really come out when I pumped.  I tired heating pads and taking hot showers but it didn't really help.  I have also started taking Lecithin and stopped wearing sports bras all day and that has helped with the clogged ducts.

  After everything I've decided to exclusively pump for Trey now.  I was just going to throw in the towel and turn to formula, but I make a ton of milk (and I know breast milk is best) so I decided to pump.  The vitamin B-6 has helped a lot with the whole Raynauds Phenomenon   My nips still turn white after I pump, but they aren't as sore.  It's hard to find time to pump, so I mostly pump while the triplets are napping.  I also wake up at 6:30am before the triplets get up and pump then too.  It's easier to feed Trey a bottle.  Cruz and Kash will still come and try and hit the bottle out of his mouth, but it still works.  Now that he is just on a bottle I can leave him home with Curtis or my mom and they can feed him while I'm out with the triplets or whatever.  Trey's almost 4 months old now and I already have a freezer full of frozen breast milk.  I'm hoping to last at least 6 months.  We'll see.  Pumping is a huge commitment, but definitely worth it.  I still feel like Trey and I have a great bond even though he isn't "nursing".  
Trey decided to sleep 12 hours the other day (9pm-9am).  I woke up at 6am and felt like my boobs were going to explode!  My left makes way more than my right.

To read My Thoughts On Pregnancy…click here.

To read My Thoughts on Delivery…click here

Saturday, November 8, 2014

18 Months & 3 Month Pictures

::18 MONTHS::

Weight - 26 lbs 2 oz  (75th percentile)
Height - 33.5 in  (80th percentile)
Clothes - 18-24 months
Diaper Size - 4's during the day and 5's at night to hold all the pee
Shoes - Size 6

Cruz and Kash are starting to have the cutest relationship (most of the time).  They play peek-a-boo while in their carseats.  They'll hide back, then pop out and laugh and laugh.  It's so cute. They cuddle together during walks in the stroller.  They've learned how to give kisses…which sometimes ends up licking each other.  It's pretty funny.  And then there's the fighting.  Not so cute.  They don't know their own strength.    They went through a little biting stage (especially Kash), but now it's mostly just hitting.  They'll be giving Trey kisses, or hugs, then out of nowhere slap him in the face or poke his eye.  I have to remember that they're only 18 months and really don't mean to be mean…but sometimes it's hard when Trey is screaming.  Cruz and Kash hit each other too - when they want the same toy, when they both want to press the button to close the garage, when one has the tv remote, when they want the same food, or just out of nowhere.  They hit Julie too, but not as much, since she kind of keeps to herself.  People always say, "Oh, I bet it's nice that they have each other to play with."  YEA RIGHT!  It is SO much easier when they are alone - like if one wakes up early from a nap or something.  Maybe it'll be easier later, when they understand what no means, or I can put them in time-out to teach them a lesson, but right now it's definitely harder. 
Cruz is getting so big.  He's running all over the place now.  He can say thank you, baby, buh bye, mama, dada.  He's supposed to be able to say 7-10 words but hasn't got that far yet.  Cruz has a mouth full of teeth and eats pretty much everything.  They have days where they absolutely LOVE something and devour the whole plate, and then the next night they won't eat any of it.  His favorite foods right now are pears, peaches, bananas, pancakes, hotdogs, pasta, broccoli, and sometimes eggs.  When he gets mad or frustrated he does this thing where he spits his food out and scrapes every single bit out of his mouth with his hands.  I have to get it on film.  It's so annoying when it's eggs because it gets all over the carpet.  Cruz has the cutest little giggle and is such a happy kid.  He still naps twice a day, but it starting to fight that second nap.  The other two definitely still need the second nap.  I'm going to wait until they are all ready to transition to one nap before I change all their schedules.  We'll see how much longer that lasts.  Cruz still sucks his ring finger when he sleeps.  I only know this because I have a video monitor, and because his ring finger nail grows differently than the rest (just like Kash's).  He is just the cutest kid.  We adore him. 

Weight - 25 lbs 4 oz  (65th percentile)
Height - 33.5 in  (80th percentile)
Clothes - 18-24 months
Diaper Size - 4's during the day and 5's at night to hold all the pee
Shoes - Size 6

Kash is such a sweetheart (most of the time).  He loves to give kisses and "loves".  He used to bite when he got mad, but is pretty much over that phase (hopefully).  He still hits when he gets his toy stolen or when he wants someone else's toy and they won't share.  We are trying to teach him "no" or to "be nice" but it's not really working yet.  He's usually pretty good with Trey but will still hit him out of nowhere.  I can't leave the boys alone with Trey.  
Kash can say baby, buh bye, thank you, mama, and dada.  He knows where his shoes are and brings them to us to put on.  Kash loves to push his toy car and throw the ball to Tyson.  He thinks its so fun to fake throw the ball and watch Tyson try to find it.  It's so funny.  He loves to copy what we are doing.  He also loves taking blocks out of the bag and putting them back in.  Kash still naps twice a day.  He went through a phase where he wouldn't nap well during the afternoon, but he's back at it and napping great (for now).  Kash still sucks his ring finger when he sleeps.  He does the same frustrated/mad spit food out that Cruz does, but not nearly as often.  Kash is such a mamas boy.  We sure love this kid. 

Weight - 26 lbs 6 oz  (90th percentile)
Height - 33 in  (80th percentile)
Clothes - 18-24 months
Diaper Size - 4's during the day and 5's at night to hold all the pee
Shoes - Size 4

Julie is definitely more independent than the boys.  I'm not sure if it's because she's a girl, or not the identical one, but she is SO much different than the boys.  She likes to play on her own away from the boys so she doesn't have to share any toys or get hit.  She loves to read books (they all do), especially if  I read to her.  She is so dainty and picks things up with her thumb and finger.  She'll find the smallest crumb on the floor and bring it to me and say "thank you".  It started off with dirty diapers.  She'd bring them to me and I'd say "thank you".  Now she brings anything to me and says "thank you".  It's so cute.  She can say baby, buh bye, thank you, mama, and dada.  Julie is the best eater and never spits food out like the boys.  She's more of a savory eater and loves hotdogs, chicken chile casserole, lasagna, chicken nuggets, pasta, broccoli, pears, and pasta.  She'll really eat anything.  She doesn't really like fruit snacks or fruit by the foot like the boys do.  
Julie is still smiley as ever.  She has the cutest little laugh and is SO ticklish under her chin.  She loves to play ring around the rosie and she LOVES being outside.  They all do.  If they are being fussy at all I can take them outside and I don't hear a peep.  She definitely fusses when it's time to go back inside though.  They still love going for walks but would rather walk on their own instead of being in the stroller (which is nearly impossible when you are by yourself).  Julie still loves her little rag and sucks her thumb while she sleeps.  She started warming up to Trey.  I was in the kitchen doing dishes and looked up to find her climbing in his swing with him in it.  Trey wasn't really a fan of being smushed. She's got the cutest little personality! 

::3 MONTHS::

Trey is seriously one happy baby.  He smiles ALL DAY LONG.  It's crazy.  He recently found his hands and has started sucking on them.  I wonder if he'll find his thumb…or ring finger.  :)  He doesn't really love his binkie, so I kind of hope he finds a thumb or finger soon.  He loves to be swaddled while he sleeps.  Once he starts getting a little tired I can swaddle him and put him down awake and he'll put himself to sleep.  It's pretty awesome.  Ever since the time change I've started putting him down at 9pm and he'll sleep until 5-5:30am, then drink a bottle and go back to sleep until 8:30-9am.  It's been nice.  I'm still pumping and have tons of milk, which is great, but time consuming.  I hope to make it to at least 6 months.  I have TONS in my freezer right now so I'm sure I'll make it that far.  
Trey is growing SO fast.  It's crazy.  He's already wearing 6 month onesies and 9 month jammies.  What the heck?!  I've already put away all his 3-6 month clothes.  They were way too snug.  He needs to just slow down and stay little!!  He likes his bouncy and his swing.  He loves to talk and coo.  I just started putting him in the exersaucer and he seemed to like it for a little while.  He's not really a fan of tummy time, but we are working on it.  We love our new addition! 


Friday, November 7, 2014

October Update

October was a busy month.  We made a trip to Hollister the first weekend, went to Lancaster the second weekend, had my sister and her kids in town the third week, and Halloween activities the last week.  It's always good to break up the mundane, and then it's always nice to get back on track to your normal schedule.  
Cruz and Kash have become little bullies.  They don't realize how strong they are.  They get frustrated when they want the same toy, or whatever, and wrestle each other to the floor.  Sometimes it looks like they are hugging, but then one will start crying.  Julie tries to do her own thing, but they somehow still pick on her too.  
All three LOVE to be outside - especially Julie.  They can be fussing, fussing, fussing, and the second we go outside they are all smiles.  The bad thing is you can't really go outside unless you have another adult or two with you since they run in three different directions. 
18 months old!!  They are finally in nursery and doing pretty good.  Church is from 9-12, which is a hard time since they usually nap from 9-11am, but we just make it work.

Where's your nose? 

My favorite time of day.  Triplets are sleeping and I get to hang out with my little Trey Man for a couple hours before he goes down for the night. 

Seriously the happiest little stink.  My dad nicknamed him "Smiley". 
Cruz is on hold…with a remote control. 
3 months old! 
Julie's 1st popsicle.  

Pretty sure he liked it. 
Julie's hair is deceivingly long. 
Little ponytails haha :)