I LIVE by a schedule. I love routine. I'm not OCD or anything, but I love routines. When I shower, I do the same thing, in the same order every time. Weird? I think most people do that, but maybe I'm wrong. When I played volleyball I did the same thing before every serve (bounce the ball 7 times, then spin it up to my hand, and bam). I feel like the babies love a schedule too. At first Curtis fought me on how strict of a schedule I keep, but now he gets it. It has created happy babies who sleep really well! I think if I only had one baby I would be a little more lenient in a schedule, but with triplets it's easier just to stick with it.
The babies have become more predictable lately, which I love. Even their poops have become like clockwork. It makes things a lot easier. It still gets crazy at times, but manageable. They eat, play for an hour, then go back down for a nap. Eat, play for an hour, then go back down for a nap. And repeat. They drink five bottles a day and take three naps. The only "hard" time is from 6:30pm-8:00pm. It's SO nice to have Curtis home and help out during that time. After the 5:00pm feeding they pretty much stay up until bedtime. Occasionally they will take a quick catnap, but it's never longer than 15 minutes. I feel like I'm getting the hang of this triplet thing. Some days are harder than others, but overall I feel like it's getting easier. The babies are such happy babies and bring such joy to our lives. We are so in love with them.
Cruz & Julie
Bumbo time.
One of my favorite pictures. #iwatchESPNwithmydaddy
Cutest little stink.
First Nike's.
BYU vs Utah. We all know how that one ended. Lame.