This year I spent Easter in California with my family! It was a perfect weekend! I had originally planned to drive out to CA with my sister on Thursday morning then fly back Monday night...but I woke up Thursday morning SO sick. I honestly threw up about 20 times. I would wear myself out by throwing up...fall asleep...then wake up and do it all over again. It was miserable!! I woke up Friday and felt SO much better so I booked a flight and flew out that night. :) I definitely wanted to spend Easter with my family, but I also didn't want to miss my grandma's 92nd birthday! I got in Friday night and went directly to a birthday party for Eva and Ella Rhyasen.

My sister's boys opening their Easter present on Saturday morning.

They were SO excited about their new rollerblades!! :) So cute!
Saturday was spent with one of my best friends Trisha getting manicures. That night we went to see Hunger Games with my mom, sister, and cousins Jenna & Jonelle. They are a riot! :)
Kyle, Luke, Cody, Lia, Steven, & Jack Easter morning before church! So adorable!
Here's Kyle finding Easter eggs! :)
Sweet Jack finding some candy :)
All the kids after the Easter egg hunt.

Peter carving the meat for Easter dinner! LOVE his apron haha...

Mmmm...Easter dinner at Jenna's house.
Baba blowing out her candles! I can't believe she is 92!!!
Baba & I
I don't know what we were laughing at - but it was probably really funny haha...

Lia suckin' her fingers. :)
Stephanie, Baba, & Lia - such a cute picture :)

Baba & Lia
Stephanie, Baba, & I
Sister. Mom. Me.
...and Jonelle jumping in the background. Haha. She's hilarious.

Baby Lia at the end of the night - still happy as ever! :)
Monday I got to hang out with one of my best friends Jen - then went and got a pedicure with my sister. I flew out that night on the last flight back to Utah. It was such a great weekend. I'm so glad I got to go out :)