Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New Year's 2012

Curtis and I had a great New Year's this year. It started off at the BYU basketball game vs USD. A few months ago we met this kid Adam from West Ridge Academy in Salt Lake. He's been through a lot in his life and had such an inspiring story. We wanted to do something cool for him so we invited him and his friends to the BYU game. It was a lot of fun!

After the game we headed to Outback Steakhouse for dinner then to a friends house for fun and games! We got home at 11:45pm, just in time to watch the ball drop together :) I had to work the next morning at 8am. At 4:30am I was tossing and turning in bed with the worst stomach ache. Curtis asked if I was ok and I sat up and threw up everywhere. It was pretty awesome. I felt like I was 6 years old again and couldn't make it to the toilet. It was pretty much the worst thing ever. I threw up a couple more times. I immediately called in sick to work, but I guess they have this policy that you have to call in at least 6 hours prior to your shift and you can't call in sick on a holiday. So I had to go to work anyway. Right when I get there the charge nurse said I looked horrible and sent me home... Other than the whole throwing up thing, it was a fun night :)

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Christmas 2011

Christmas this year was SO weird!! We were planning on going to Curtis' house for a few days...but then I got a new job and was scheduled to work December 23rd, 24th, 25th, and 26th. Awesome right?! So we had to stay in town this year. It didn't even feel like Christmas. It kind of felt like a birthday party for Curtis and I or something since we were all alone opening up gifts together.

How cute is Tyson?! We love him!

Don't you just love my Christmas decorations?? All 2 of them. :) I think the best part of the tree is the tag on the side. Curtis bought the tree and wasn't too sure if he liked it, so he kept the tag on so he could return it. Haha... Nerd.

Happy birthday Curtis... Oh wait, I mean Merry Christmas Curtis!!

Yes, all dressed and ready for work. I had to work 5pm-5am that night.

Curtis wrapped my old Nike's and left a print out saying I could buy any new one's I wanted online. He also wrapped my old clothes and left a gift card to Nordstrom's on top. Such a cute idea!! :) I was so surprised he bought me new clothes, then realized they were old one's from my closet haha...

Oh, and he wrapped an empty Mac laptop box and said we could go pick one out later. :)

Early dinner at my sister Stephanie's house before work...equipped with some amazing Shirley Temple's!

We had my sister for Christmas. We couldn't decide what to get her so we settled on a Nordstrom gift card...but gift card's are kind of we picked out the absolute ugliest shoes we could find at Nordstrom's so she would be forced to take them back and pick out anything she wanted!

Cute right?!

Cute lil' Lia Chirstmas morning/afternoon :)

New Job - UVRMC ER

I got a new job at the end of October at Utah Valley Regional Medical Center - Emergency Room!! I started training mid November and had my first official shift alone on Christmas Eve! Not the best way to spend Christmas vacation...but it's all good. :) I absolutely LOVE my job...but hate the hours. You gotta put up with the crappy shifts when you're new though. I have already seen some CRAZY stuff and learned so much! It will definitely be beneficial for my nursing career!!