Christmas this year was definitely one of the best I've ever had! My ENTIRE family came home to Hollister, California...all back in the house we grew up in. It was 60 degrees and there was NO snow in sight!! I flew in to CA late on the 22nd and Curtis met me out there on Christmas Eve.
Kim, Amber, Jen, & Summer
One of my best friends growing up (Amber) had a big birthday party on the 23rd. Amber and her dad share the same birthday so they celebrated Mexican style. They had someone catering dinner in their backyard - making tacos, guacamole, chips & salsa, margaritas, etc. It was a lot of fun seeing her and catching up.

Kim, Jen, & Summer
My best friend Jen is pregnant with her 2nd baby...and it's a BOY!! She's so excited! :)
Amber & Kim

Alex has a thing for shoes. All week long he was walking around in someone else's shoes. Too cute!

Kim & Pat (yes, I'm wearing 4 inch heels - which I bought for myself for Christmas)
On Christmas Eve I met up with one of my best friends when I was little. We used to spend all day everyday together. I remember my mom would come to pick me up at his house late at night and we would pretend to be sleeping so she would let me spend the night haha... I was a total tomboy who LOVED playing sports, so that's all we did together...played catch, played baseball, went to Cal vs. Stanford football games with his Uncle Vince, etc. Pat came with me to the 49er game when I won the punt, pass, and kick tournament and got to preform at half-time. We kind of lost touch over the years, so it was a lot of fun reminiscing with him and his family. :)


Pat, Kim, & Curtis

Pat's Uncle Vince & Grandma. Look how cute his Grandma is. :)
Kim, Stephanie, & Steven
After Pat's house, Curtis and I headed over to my cousin Jenna's house for a Christmas Eve party. Tons of food and family!
Husband & Wife :)
The girls!
Taylor & Auntie Kimmy

Auntie Kimmy & Olivia

My dad's side of the family! My Baba (in the middle) is 90 years old and looks better than ever! I truly cannot believe she is 90! She moves like she's 60 and has a WAY better memory than I do!
My immediate family took up most of the space haha... :) 11 grandkids...with a 12th on the way!

Alex found the cookies and carrots we were going to leave out for Santa and his reindeers haha... :) So cute!
Family Tradition: Opening one gift on Christmas Eve. All the grandkids opened their Christmas jammies!! :) After the grandkids went to bed, the adults got to open one gift from my parents. My mom buys big gifts for all the couples. She has them numbered 1-6 and placed out on different tables. One at a time, the spouse goes in and picks which one they would want, then the other spouse picks which one they would want. If the couple picks the same gift, they get it! We picked numbers and I drew the last number. :( Stephanie went first, then her husband Dan...and they picked two different things. Mitch, then Jill...and they picked wrong. Tyler, then Jamie...and they picked wrong. Kim, then Curtis...and we picked wrong! haha... ALL of the couples didn't choose what the other spouse chose. It was hilarious! All the gifts were good, so we would have been happy with any of them. Finally, after three rounds Curtis and I choose the same gift.
Christmas morning!! All the grandkids were SO excited that Santa came! Another Family Tradition: Having the missionaries over for breakfast on Christmas morning! One of the sister missionaries played the violin while my sister played the piano. It was amazing...and I think the only time our house was quiet. All the grandkids just sat there and listened to the beautiful music.
Derek & Taylor on their new bikes.

I was definitely spoiled this Christmas! After Thanksgiving, Curtis bought a new washer and dryer. I didn't really think we needed them since our old ones were working just fine, but Curtis insisted that we were getting a really good deal (Black Friday 50% off sale) and they would last a long time. I told him I would rather spend that kind of money on a nice camera or a video camera, but I decided I didn't need anything like that until we had some kiddos. Well, Curtis surprised me with a new camera that does HD video as well!! I absolutely LOVE it! Curtis usually isn't the best at surprises, but he totally succeeded this time! I have no idea how to really use it, but I'm learning. :) I got Curtis tons of new clothes, shoes, a hat, and cologne. He went shopping prior to Christmas and bought new work clothes, so now he has a whole new wardrobe!

The siblings in my family choose names from a hat to buy gifts for. My sister-in-law Jamie had Curtis and bought him some new ties!! :) I had my brother John and got him some new shoes and a couple t-shirts. My mom asked to to buy all of his gifts this year. She said she didn't really know what was in style, and all he needed was new clothes, so I got to go shop away! It was so fun and exciting to see him open all his gifts.
All the kids in my family were going to go in on a gift for my mom. We finally decided to get her an ipad...but then we called my dad and he said he already got it for her. She was SO excited!! We ended up getting her some new white dishes and glassware, which she loved as well!
Jack has the cutest little face!
My hubby lookin' hot in his new hat.
Tyler, Jamie, Curtis, Kim, Dan. Stephanie, Jill, & Mitch (who was taking this picture)
Another Family Tradition: Going to the movies on Christmas day. We saw How Do You Know...not the best! Curtis was snoring within 30 minutes of the movie starting haha... I know you love how HUGE the Hollister theater is!? Have you ever seen a movie theater with only 3 rows?? haha...

Britta, Trisha, Kim, & Kayla
Sunday, the 26th, we went to church and came back to my house for dinner. Later that night the Grow's (my mom's side) and my best friend Trisha came over for desserts. We always have fun with this crowd around! :)
On Monday, the 27th, we all went to Gilroy Gardens for some fun! :)
Dan & Curtis
Look at their faces!!!! haha...
OMG. Enough said. haha...
Luke & Auntie Kimmy had front row seats on the BIG rollercoaster...which Luke continued to ride over and over again! :)
Kyle & Auntie Kimmy riding the worm :)
Cody & Olivia
Curtis & I took a little break from the cold to go to In & Out.

Drew & Grandpa at the HUGE fireworks show...which was a total bust and ended up only being this lame laser show haha... :)
Early on the 28th we drove down to Palmdale to visit Curtis' family. It was a quick, chill, nice visit. We just hung out with his family and friends for a couple days, then drove back to Utah on the 30th becuase I had to work New Year's Eve and New Year's Day. I had to work from 6pm - 12pm...18 hours STRAIGHT!! I didn't want to have to work during Christmas, so I scheduled most my holiday time during New Year's!
Here is Kenny kicking Curtis' trash at a PS3 football game :)
I'm so lucky to have such an amazing family and extended family! :)