Curtis and I drove to California...again! 12 hours doesn't seem like a long time, but this is our 3rd time in the past 6 weeks. One of my closest friends got married, so we had to make the trip out for it! :) It was such a BEAUTIFUL ceremony & reception! It was the perfect weekend because it was Mother's Day and my dad's birthday on May 9th, so we got to stay for that too! :) Oh...and another reason it was a perfect trip was my parents just bought our old house back! My parents designed and built a house over 30 years ago...on the golf course, 4,500 square feet, 7 bedrooms, 4 1/2 bathrooms, HUGE! We moved out of it back in 1997, but it went back on the market, so they bought it back! They just moved in a couple weeks ago! It's crazy going back there...all the memories! Now they have enough room for when everyone comes back to town!!
We drove out on Thursday night and didn't get in until 3am. Then Curtis woke up at 8am to go golfing with the boys for a little bachelor party. That afternoon Curtis, my mom, and I went and got AMAZING massages for $25!
Curtis after his massage :)
Britta & David...sealed in the Oakland Temple...for time and all eternity...on May 8th, 2010! (My favorite temple!)

My niece Taylor eating chocolate cupcakes before the wedding reception! So cute!
Curtis, David, Britta, & Kim. Yea, he's tall...7'4"
The beautiful couple!
Peter & Kim. One of my all time favorite cousins! He cooked up the Mother's Day dinner!
My dad blowing out his candles! Each candle stood for 21 years! haha...
Taylor found the wine at Baba's house... hahaha!
We went to church up in Mountain View so we could watch my nephew Derek sing in church! It was great seeing my brother Mitch's family! We don't get to see them very often since they live in California. I wish they lived closer!!!!