My friend Britta came into town tonight, so we had a little Hollister gal reunion. Britta, Kat, and I (and the boys) went on a triple date to Ruby River...then rocked out playing Rock Band! So fun...and hilarious!! Good times! We definitely need to get together more often!! :)

Travis, Kat, Dave, Britta, Kim, & Curtis after dinner... Yes, Dave is 7' 3!!! Kat is standing on the bench and is still like a foot shorter than him haha...

Our band rocking out!!

I love this pic of Kat! :)

Britta on the bass...

Dave on the drums...

Curtis on the vocals... He got SO into it as the night went on!! I'm sure he'll be asking for Rock Band for Christmas haha...

and Kat on the guitar...
At the end of the night Travis busted out his leather jacket. He was ready to rock out...but after one song he was way too hot haha... Curtis preferred singing and playing the drums...and I loved playing the guitar. :) Thanks Kat & Travis!!! :) need to move out here asap!! Love you girls!!