My friend Lia invited me to play in this "couple's" volleyball tournament up at Open Court on March 27th. I told her I would ask Curtis...but he probably wouldn't want to. She's like...tell him my husband wants him to come so he won't be the only one there that can't really play. So I asked Curtis if he would want to play...and he was like...ummm maybe. So the week went on and I get a text from Lia saying that she already signed Curtis and I up so we had to play. I still didn't think Curtis would really want to but I asked him again anyway. He's much does it cost? I told him it was $25. He said he didn't want to pay $25 just to make a fool out of himself. So I text Lia saying that we probably weren't going to go. Later that day Curtis text me and said he would go only if I didn't make fun of him. :) So I text Lia again saying we would be there for sure. She told me to come a little before 7pm. We got there at about 6:55pm and the guy at the front desk pointed us in the direction of volleyball registration. We walked upstairs where there was a huge sign saying registration. I thought it was a little weird that no one was warming up or anything and heard noise from the registration room, but I didn't think anything of it. I walked in with my kneepads and tennis shoes in hand, opened the door and....SURPRISE!!!!! All my friends and family were there for a surprise birthday party. Curtis TOTALLY pulled it off. I had ABSOLUTELY no idea! He went ALL OUT...had Goodwood cater dinner, decorated each table, put signs up, balloons, candy bags for everyone, Cold Stone ice cream cakes, etc. Curtis rented out 3 courts and set up a 4 on 4 volleyball tournament where we all played against each other. It was SO fun!! A picture perfect birthday! :) Thank you all so much for coming!!!

Angela, Brandon, Lia (the GREAT liar), Spencer, & Spencer...

One of my best friend's Marissa flew out for the party! :)

I'm addicted to frozen Curtis got me a frozen yogurt machine :) It's absolutely amazing!! :) haha...